Lab1886 | Mercedes-Benz
During Summer 2019, I interned in Stuttgart Germany with Lab1886. As an intern, I supported the Ideation team of Lab1886, the corporate incubator of Daimler AG and Mercedes-Benz.
Supported six international universities collaborations identifying new business models through Design Thinking.
Coordinated collaborations with 6 international universities
Supported organization of the second annual Lab1886 Experience Day by coordinating travel itinerary, programing, and accommodations for students and professors visiting from 8 countries
Established relationships with 19 universities in the United States in preparation for the Mercedes-Benz Student Experience Day - which was attended by over 400 people and exceeded maximum number of student registrants
Gained experience collaborating in an international and predominantly German work environment
4 months - May 2019 to September 2019
Key Skills
Design Thinking, Communication, Collaboration, Benchmarking