At the 2018 City Robotics Design-a-hackathon hosted by the MIT Media Lab, I had the opportunity to collaborate with graduate students from computer science, architecture, and urban planning backgrounds all from different universities.
Inspired by Zherui’s experiences living in New York, we were interested in exploring the experiences of urban cyclists particularly in the context of bike storage. From our research and interviews, we learned about one key pain point around biking and grocery shopping - although users enjoyed the autonomy their bikes afforded them, heavy bags of groceries back made it challenging to ride and store their bikes indoors.
After I pitched an abbreviated first-round presentation of our foldable bike-cart concept, our team was selected to present to transportation industry experts, media lab partners, and Don Norman as semifinalists. The live stream can be viewed in the video below at 52:30.
3 Days - Fall 2018
Amey S Kulkarni, Karthikeyan Kuppu Sundara Raman, Zherui Wang
key skills And Responsibilities
UX, User Research, Visual Design, Storytelling, Presentation